Gift voucher Villa Emma – digital (also with ECOcheque)

 120,00 648,00

Give an overnight stay as a gift, gifting an experience that will be carried for a long time.

SKU: N/A Category:


Give an overnight stay as a gift and give an experience that will be remembered for a long time.

You will receive a digital gift voucher by e-mail that you can print. You can also download our brochure and add it to the gift voucher. Make a note of the date and the number of your order (Order #number) on the gift voucher! Only then is it valid! The gift voucher remains valid for 2 years.
The gift voucher and leaflet should be downloaded within 1 day of ordering

During school holidays, weekends and in September min. 2 overnight stays. A 1-night gift voucher can be taken into account.
To use a gift voucher for 1 overnight stay: request via or via the contact form.

Additional information


Acacia (max. 3 people), Tilia (max. 4 people)

number of persons

1, 2, 3, 4

number of overnight stays

1, 2, 3, 4
