The house and garden we live in and live in we borrowed from our children … . We find ecology very important and try to make our contribution to the ecological story. A recognition of our efforts is the award of the Green Key Label. You can find our CSR policy statement here.
Villa Emma offsets its guests’ carbon footprint: we have purchased carbon certificates through Claire in accordance with the C02 footprint created by our guests on an annual basis. In this way, the annual carbon footprint created by our visitors is offset through Belgian carbon offset projects. Our guests can now make a “contribution” – completely voluntary – in function of the CO2 footprint they have created. This way, they get the chance to offset their carbon footprint. Read more …
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Flowers are growing/flowering all over the garden, causing a lot of flower-loving insects to fly around the garden: bees, butterflies, … . Rowan berries and hollies provide lots of berries. Birds love them. And the oaks provide acorns that are apparently appreciated by squirrels.
Under the large rhododendron at the front of the garden, a nest of branches has been made which is a haven for “our” hedgehogs. And of course, we don’t forget our chickens! Cheese crusts are turned into eggs there.
We attach a lot of importance to waste management: we try to produce as little packaging waste as possible and what is compostable goes on our compost heap. Any waste that is still produced is sorted and collected separately.
There is a large 30 m3 rainwater cistern under the kitchen. This supply is used, among other things, to flush the toilets. Lighting is done with low-energy bulbs and LEDs. Each room has a separate temperature setting for heating or cooling, and at night a general night reduction is set as standard. Of course, guests can ask to deviate from this if necessary. The heating water (in summer the cooling water) is created with a heat pump (RIELLO), among others. We also use 100% green electricity from ECOPOWER.
On 16 June 2021 2021, we received the Green Key label. Below are some key documents:
Ecotourism is important: travelling to get to know and enjoy people and places can also be done in a sustainable way! Here, for example, you will find many ECO-friendly places to stay: