Compensation in Belgium
Visitors staying with us can choose – without obligation – to offset their CO2 footprint created by staying with us. They can do so by contributing, in proportion to their carbon footprint, to a Belgian compensation project.
Villa Emma has purchased CO2 certificates from two projects in “Claire’s” portfolio.
Based on the 2022 data, we found that our guests leave a CO2 footprint of about 20 tonnes of CO2 per year. Therefore, we decided to purchase 60 tonnes of CO2 certificates immediately. That way, we can cover about 3 years. If the 60 tonnes are approximately reached, we will purchase additional tonnage. Via the chosen projects – in Belgium – CO2 compensation will be realised via “Carbon Farming” and “methanisation” via a pocket digester on the one hand and by planting trees in the nature park at the Gentbrugse Meersen (a few km away from Villa Emma) on the other hand (on 19 November we also helped with the planting of ash (es), hornbeam (haagbeuk), poplar (populier), birch (berk), among others).
This is the principle of methanisation :

The carbon footprint due to staying at Villa Emma is calculated using the tool provided by GREEN KEY: ( HCMI tool v1.2 ).
The carbon footprint for mobility is calculated on the basis of data obtained from the site of .